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posted at 22/08/09 01:10Dark Dragon
Ok, I see now.
Adolf didn't fix all textmacro-related bugs. By the way, we still weren't able to get along with the way of doing that. But I hope, we'll come to one decision soon and ttxtmacro processing will be remade in the next version.
posted at 22/08/09 01:07Dark Dragon
Саn you upload your code with the changes you made to the hive's pastebin and give me a link? I'll take a look at it.
posted at 22/08/09 01:05Dark Dragon
posted at 21/08/09 20:50Dark Dragon
posted at 21/08/09 18:44Dark Dragon
Yeah, I think that's because AdicHelper finds = and thinks that's a variable set, but it shouldn't do so.
Anyway, I'll notify Adolf =)
posted at 21/08/09 18:33Dark Dragon
posted at 21/08/09 17:41Hellfim
это можно задефайнить =)
define break = exitwhen true
define break = exitwhen true
posted at 21/08/09 17:09Dark Dragon
posted at 21/08/09 17:00Dark Dragon
There is a small nuance in calling defines: if you want to pass an argument with brackets, you have to enclose it with <>, eg:
nothing test() {
unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
vector v = Vector(<GetUnitX(u)>, <GetUnitY(u)>)
unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
vector v = Vector(<GetUnitX(u)>, <GetUnitY(u)>)
posted at 21/08/09 14:44Dark Dragon
posted at 21/08/09 14:35Dark Dragon
Yeah, it's what you think.
Just in current version you are to use semicolon:
enum {Apple; Banana; Pear; ...}
or linebreak
enum (fructs) {
comma will be added in the next version
Still, now you cannot declare values to enum items - this will be added in next versions
posted at 20/08/09 23:19Dark Dragon
posted at 20/08/09 23:05Dark Dragon
Yeah, Adolf didn't implement c blocks for operators yet, so you are to write them in vex way (method operator value= takes ...) till next version :/
posted at 20/08/09 23:00Van Damm
posted at 20/08/09 22:40Dark Dragon
The reason why there is whilenot, but no while is simple. Adolf just didn't want to add extra stuff to user-generated code. Here's the catch:
whilenot( cond ) { ... } is easily translated to
exitwhen cond
exitwhen cond
But if we needed this: while( cond ) { ... } , we needed to add one not:
exitwhen not cond
exitwhen not cond
So, you can use this:
define while = whilenot not
and live in peace
define while = whilenot not
and live in peace
posted at 20/08/09 18:10Dark Dragon
Now there are some limitations as for defines:
1) if define is overloaded, it should always be called with the braces after it even if there are no arguments (i think, this limitation will be removed)
2) if you want to redefine something to the same word, you should use ## inside of the define like
define TimerStart(time) = Timer ## Start(new timer, time, false, null)
3) I don't know why, but AdicHelper removes all spaces after defines with arguments (and overloaded defines are considered so even if they take no arguments), so if you write
define {
integer() = i ## nteger
integer(h) = GetHandleId(h)
integer() = i ## nteger
integer(h) = GetHandleId(h)
you won't be able to use it because anything like
integer() i
will be transformed to
I'll discuss it with Adolf when he's back.
posted at 20/08/09 13:27Dark Dragon
I understand, and don't like it too.
posted at 20/08/09 01:42Van Damm
posted at 19/08/09 22:27Dark Dragon
posted at 19/08/09 16:45Dark Dragon
posted at 18/08/09 17:15Dark Dragon
np =)
posted at 18/08/09 16:57Van Damm
posted at 18/08/09 16:19Dark Dragon
Thanks, I'll look into it
posted at 18/08/09 15:35Dark Dragon
It will really be easier if you contact me via some instant messenger =)
It's AdicHeler's own optimizer, it's run after jasshelper optimizations. For now it doesn't do much, but eventually Adolf promised to implement more =)
If you want to see where anything goes in wehack.lua, just install latest cJass to a folder with a clean JNGP. Then you can open wehack.lua, all cJass code regions are surrounded by cJass#x and /cJass#x comments =)
Btw, you can check the file "cj_typesEx.j" in the "AdicHelper\lib\syn\" folder. So you can include and use it if you like.