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posted at 07/08/11 10:07ADOLF
2 *Master-chan*
Да, несоответствие есть, но тут даже сложно сказать, чья это беда. То, что макросы заменяют аргументы даже в строках - я лично считаю неправильным. И сейчас сложно переделать движок дефайнов, поэтому я скорее всего введу //! nocjass инструкцию, что бы такие моменты обходить.
Либо используйте дефайны (обратите внимание, что в сЖасс, если Вы хотите, что бы замена шла и в строках надо использовать ``):
#define ARGB_CHAR (int, chr) = {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
set i2cc [int * 16 + i] = `chr` + i2cc[int * 16 + i]
set i2cc [i * 16 + int] = i2cc[i * 16 + int] + `chr`
ARGB_CHAR (0, 0)
posted at 07/08/11 05:02Master-chan
Столкнулся с проблемой в том что AdicParser странным образом реагирует на textmacro. В частности в буржуйской либе ARGB. Приведу пример:
//! textmacro ARGB_CHAR takes int, chr
set i=0
exitwhen i==16
set i2cc[$int$*16+i]="$chr$"+i2cc[$int$*16+i]
set i2cc[i*16+$int$]=i2cc[i*16+$int$]+"$chr$"
set i=i+1
//! endtextmacro
//! runtextmacro ARGB_CHAR( "0","0")
При компиляции без AdicParser получаем следующее:
//textmacro instance: ARGB_CHAR( "0","0")
set i=0
exitwhen i == 16
set ARGB___i2cc[0 * 16 + i]="0" + ARGB___i2cc[0 * 16 + i]
set ARGB___i2cc[i * 16 + 0]=ARGB___i2cc[i * 16 + 0] + "0"
set i=i + 1
//end of: ARGB_CHAR( "0","0")
При включенном парсере на выходе во всех инстансах получается вот это:
exitwhen i==16
set ARGB___i2cc[0*16+i]="$chr$"+ARGB___i2cc[0*16+i]
set ARGB___i2cc[i*16+0]=ARGB___i2cc[i*16+0]+"$chr$"
set i=i+1
Т.е. $chr$ записывается в строку вместо обработки.
posted at 06/08/11 19:07ADOLF
It scan functions code and set all leakable locals variables to null. Also you may add /alf flag (check in menu "Locals auto flush") and cJass automaticly flush all locals.btw how flush locals work? how to use it?
Look the code:
#error ("...")
unit fx () {
unit foo = SomeUnit ()
int i
if (b) {
unit bar = AnothieUnit ()
return null
return foo
// --->
function fx takes nothing returns unit
local unit foo=SomeUnit()
local int i
local unit cjlocgn_00000000
if (b) then
set cjlocgn_00000000=AnothieUnit()
set cjlocgn_00000000=null
set foo=null
return null
set cj_v666_unit=foo
set foo=null
return cj_v666_unit
unit cj_v666_unit
posted at 06/08/11 18:51Sebra
It tries to clear leaks by assigning local handle vars to null.
posted at 06/08/11 18:14Guest
btw how flush locals work? how to use it?
posted at 06/08/11 14:27ADOLF
Any Ideas?
Done =/Please wait (don't post issues) a day until I copy my todo list.
posted at 06/08/11 14:04ADOLF
I'm not sure)How about august? :)
Great idea!For example, google project hosting tracker
Please wait (don't post issues) a day until I copy my todo list.
It's cool! Вы случайно не из русскоязычной вар3 тусовки (хгм, бру, вар3инфо) ?.(I also know russian :D )
posted at 06/08/11 12:35Raffy
How about august? :)
Hey and I can help with the manual, I think I would be able to keep the original style of it. (I also know russian :D )
I have too many suggestions, so I'd appreciate, if there was something like an issue tracker.
Where you can easily make a "request topic".
Where you can easily make a "request topic".
For example, google project hosting tracker
posted at 06/08/11 11:42ADOLF
I hope somewhere in September. I want to upgrade the standard library, to rewrite the manual, VanDamm promised to update the syntax highlighting.Question: when are we gonna get a stable release ?
posted at 06/08/11 05:21Guest
Question: when are we gonna get a stable release ?
posted at 05/08/11 18:58ADOLF
========= * just fixes * just fixes
for(int i = 0, i <= 16, i++)
// Do actions.
for(i = 10, i > 0, i--)
/* Notice that I wrote
* "i = 10" instead of
* "int i = 10", because
* "i" was already declared
* by the previous for-loop.
// Do more actions.
Variable i declared in the first for block - you can't use it outside (look my post about reworking locals variables processing).
nothing foo () {
for (int i = 0; i <= 16; i++) {
DoNothing ()
for (int i = 0; i <= 16; i++) {
DoNothing ()
nothing bar () {
int i
for (i = 0; i <= 16; i++) {
DoNothing ()
for (i = 0; i <= 16; i++) {
DoNothing ()
// --->
function foo takes nothing returns nothing
local int cjlocgn_00000000=0
exitwhen not (cjlocgn_00000000<=16)
call DoNothing()
set cjlocgn_00000000=cjlocgn_00000000+1
set cjlocgn_00000000=0
exitwhen not (cjlocgn_00000000<=16)
call DoNothing()
set cjlocgn_00000000=cjlocgn_00000000+1
function bar takes nothing returns nothing
local int i
set i=0
exitwhen not (i<=16)
call DoNothing()
set i=i+1
set i=0
exitwhen not (i<=16)
call DoNothing()
set i=i+1
I want to do this a long time, but first I'll fix the form.Allow setting custom initial value to constants from enums, like this:
Thx, I'll fix it as sonn as posible)for (unit u; UnitsInRangeOfLoc(someLoc, 100)) {
define CleanLoc(loc) = {
set loc = null
Just new locals flushing demo:
#error ("...")
unit fx () {
unit foo = SomeUnit ()
int i
if (b) {
unit bar = AnothieUnit ()
return null
return foo
// --->
function fx takes nothing returns unit
local unit foo=SomeUnit()
local int i
local unit cjlocgn_00000000
if (b) then
set cjlocgn_00000000=AnothieUnit()
set cjlocgn_00000000=null
set foo=null
return null
set cj_v666_unit=foo
set foo=null
return cj_v666_unit
unit cj_v666_unit
posted at 05/08/11 18:46ADOLF
2 Русский from Українець
Привет! Да, про баг с точкой слышал и уже вроде испрвавил. С this тоже что то придумаю.
Переименовка - их так легче обрабатывать, они же "склеиваются"
Спасибо за репорты.
posted at 05/08/11 18:19Русский
Баг с переименованием локальных переменных, которые объявлены не в начале функции.
Вот пример:
Начальный код
Вот пример:
Начальный код
scope Test initializer Init{
include "cj_types_priv.j"
private struct A{
unit u
static void New(bool b){
if (b) {
thistype this=thistype.allocate()
unit u = CreateUnit (Player(0), 'Hamg', 100., 0., 0.)
this.u = CreateUnit (Player(0), 'Hpal', 0., 0., 0.)
private void Init(){
Скомпилировано на Jass:
// scope Test begins
struct Test___A
unit u
static method New takes boolean b returns nothing
local thistype cjlocgn_00000000
local unit cjlocgn_00000001
if (b) then
set cjlocgn_00000000=thistype.allocate()
set cjlocgn_00000001=CreateUnit(Player(0),0x48616D67,100.,0.,0.)
set cjlocgn_00000000.cjlocgn_00000001=CreateUnit(Player(0),0x4870616C,0.,0.,0.) //А должно быть set s__Test___A_u[cjlocgn_00000000]=CreateUnit(Player(0), 0x4870616C, 0., 0., 0.)
call BJDebugMsg(GetUnitName(cjlocgn_00000001))
call BJDebugMsg(GetUnitName(cjlocgn_00000000.cjlocgn_00000001)) //А должно быть call BJDebugMsg(GetUnitName(s__Test___A_u[cjlocgn_00000000]))
function Test___Init takes nothing returns nothing
call Test___A.New(true)
// scope Test ends
Еще с обращением к переменным структуры префиксом <.> (подразумевающий <this.>) :
static void New(bool b){
if (b) {
thistype this=thistype.allocate()
.u = CreateUnit (Player(0), 'Hpal', 0., 0., 0.)
Скомпилировано на Jass:
function s__Test___A_New takes boolean b returns nothing
local integer cjlocgn_00000000
if ( b ) then
set cjlocgn_00000000=s__Test___A__allocate()
set s__Test___A_u[this]=CreateUnit(Player(0), 0x4870616C, 0., 0., 0.)
call BJDebugMsg(GetUnitName(s__Test___A_u[this]))
То бишь не найдена переменная this, а вообще просвети для чего это переименование?
posted at 05/08/11 16:10doc
also, initial values in enums are allowed, dunno what are you talking about.
posted at 05/08/11 16:09doc
because UnitsInRangeOfLoc sux :3Seems like some natives aren't supported by for group.
posted at 05/08/11 14:04Guest
This isnt possible, variables declared in header of the loop are only visible in that loop. (Same for C++)
Seems like some natives aren't supported by for group.
For example, the following code tries to compile to normal for loop ...
for (unit u; UnitsInRangeOfLoc(someLoc, 100)) {
For example, the following code tries to compile to normal for loop ...
for (unit u; UnitsInRangeOfLoc(someLoc, 100)) {
Suggestion about enums.
Allow setting custom initial value to constants from enums, like this:
enum (someEnum) {
Allow setting custom initial value to constants from enums, like this:
enum (someEnum) {
posted at 05/08/11 03:15Guest
About the for loop, is is possible to do the following:
for(int i = 0, i <= 16, i++)
// Do actions.
for(i = 10, i > 0, i--)
/* Notice that I wrote
* "i = 10" instead of
* "int i = 10", because
* "i" was already declared
* by the previous for-loop.
// Do more actions.
If it is not, then I think that it should be.
posted at 05/08/11 00:33doc
because it's should be wehack.lua
posted at 04/08/11 23:38Guest
There are only exehack.exe and exehack.txtLook root directory of NewGenWE. Just Lua script. It's part of NewGenWE engine.
posted at 04/08/11 22:55ADOLF
You may use any of it (without GroupEnum prefix and first (group) and last (filter) arguments).Please add support for more group-enum natives (UnitsInRange not enough).
What about add support for any function that returns group, or any group variable?
I'll add it soon.
Look root directory of NewGenWE. Just Lua script. It's part of NewGenWE engine.exehack.lua? I don't have this file anywhere. And what is this edit for?
posted at 04/08/11 22:29Guest
I also do not have exehack.lua
posted at 04/08/11 22:02Guest
Please add support for more group-enum natives (UnitsInRange not enough).
Here is list from common.j:
native GroupEnumUnitsOfType takes group whichGroup, string unitname, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer takes group whichGroup, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsOfTypeCounted takes group whichGroup, string unitname, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRect takes group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRectCounted takes group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRange takes group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc takes group whichGroup, location whichLocation, real radius, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeCounted takes group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLocCounted takes group whichGroup, location whichLocation, real radius, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsSelected takes group whichGroup, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter returns nothing
for (unit u; UnitsInRangeOfLoc(loc, 320) {
// actions
What about add support for any function that returns group, or any group variable?
Idea: add forg loop specially for use with groups.
group g = CreateGroup()
forg(unit u, g) {
// actions
> Also recommend to edit exehack.lua:
exehack.lua? I don't have this file anywhere. And what is this edit for?
posted at 04/08/11 19:51ADOLF
Just a question - does this still bug with the textmacros of vJass (I can't test at the moment)?
I think I fix the errors with textmacros in dev build. if errors occur - show me the code, and I'll fix them.
* Added callback functions:
// This is not a substitute for initializing libraries,
// because you can not specify which of these
// functions will be called earlier.
// Also it will be called after all libs and scopes init.
callback onInit () {
printf ("Hello World!")
// Be called on every spells cast.
callback onUnitSpellCast () {
printf ("foo")
// Be called on 'AHfs' spell cast.
callback onUnitSpellCast ('AHfs') {
printf ("bar")
Callbacks list:
// (? arg name) - optional arg
onInit ()
onUnitAttacked ()
onUnitDeath ()
onUnitDecay ()
onUnitIssuedOrder (?int order_id)
onUnitIssuedPointOrder (?int order_id)
onUnitIssuedTargetOrder (?int order_id)
onHeroLevel ()
onHeroSkill (?int skill_id)
onUnitSpellChannel (?int abill_id)
onUnitSpellCast (?int abill_id)
onUnitSpellEffect (?int abill_id)
onUnitSpellFinish (?int abill_id)
onUnitSpellEndcast (?int abill_id)
onGameLoad ()
onGameSave ()
posted at 04/08/11 16:43Guest
Just a question - does this still bug with the textmacros of vJass (I can't test at the moment)?
Otherwise, mad props for constantly working on this thing, it's awesome.
posted at 04/08/11 10:11ADOLF
2 Raffy :
Thanks! Indeed there is a bug, and I'll fix it today.